Sunday 3 January 2016

My Top 3 Resolutions For 2016

Like most people, Christmas has been a binge of alcohol, naughty foods (gluten free of course) and skipping the gym. 

As I lay in bed on New Years Day terribly hungover barely able to move I decided that there are three things I need to concentrate on in 2016. 

1. Try to eat as many foods that are naturally gluten free as possible 
This means cutting down on one of my most favourite things - carbs. I can sometimes over do it on the carbs front, so I pledge to cut down on processed carbs such as crisps, shop bought gluten free bread and biscuits and naughty treats. You should never cut out Carbs completely, as they are essential for keeping our energy levels up, but excess carbs can make you feel sluggish and cloudy headed. Instead, I will be eating small amounts of rice pasta, brown rice and sweet potatoes. Most processed foods contains high levels of sugar and salts, which are not great for your body (and cellulite)!

2. Limit alcohol consumption to once a week (and not a binge!)
Ask anyone of my friends and they will tell you I like a glass of wine. Red, White, Rose, Champagne, Prosecco - you name it I will drink it. As I lay in bed on New Years Day with the worst hangover ever, I thought I had to cut down on the amount I have been drinking, 
especially recently over the Christmas period. 
I don't want to be known as the person who will always go to the pub if you need a chat and roll out at 10pm after just going for 'one'. I'm 26 this year and need to get back on my fitness regime and get my health back up to scratch. I got a fitbit for Christmas, and I can tell that my sleep is really affected by the amount of alcohol consumed. I feel anxious, and have heart palpitations, I rarely sleep through the night, and feel so tired when I wake up even after having a good 8/9 hours sleep.
There is always going to be a time when you need to socialise, whether that's with work, friends or your partner so I am not going to pledge to cut it out completely, I don't think that is realistic, but cutting down to one or two glasses (on special occasions) and not being tempted by the bottle will help my health (both mind and body) dramatically. 

3. Be Mindful in everything I do
Some days I feel like I can't even get out of bed. I feel so tired and my brain feels cloudy and I just want to cry. I am moody and start arguments for no reason with family members. Again, it dawned on me wallowing in my own self pity on New Years day that this needed to change. 

I have been researching mindfulness and being mindful. As mad as it sounds, this includes adult colouring books. I used to love art when I was at school, so I feel one way for me to start being mindful is by buying a colouring book (this is the first thing on my list when I get showered and dressed - yes I am still in my pjs!), and using it to escape when I feel stressed or upset - instead of reaching for a glass of wine or chocolates and starting an argument. 
Going to the gym clears my mind and makes me feel good about myself (I am not sure many people know but self esteem is something that I struggle with), but being mindful and living in the moment is what more of us need to do, I am starting today. I constantly live in the past and think to the future and what my life will be like in 5 years. I have learned that I need to live for now, the present moment and embrace those around me. 

What are your three resolutions you are concentrating on this year?

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