Monday 22 December 2014

Genius Brioche

So I haven't written a blog post in quite a long time for various reasons (heartbreak, job promotion and Christmas around the corner!) However, I am now back, and back with a full list of products to review! 

Starting with a product that I bought only a few days ago. This one had to go first as I was so so amazed by it. 

The taste, the texture and look of Genius' Brioche chocolate chip rolls are amazing and for once I didn't feel 'different' eating them. They look identical to 'normal' brioche. 

I took one bite and scoffed both in the packet in about 10 seconds....actually no I inhaled them. 

They are quite pricey at £2.20 for two, but they are a great treat!! 

This happens to be the only picture I managed to take of them, as I was far too desperate to open them!! 

Thank you Genius for widening your range, please don't discontinue these!!

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